Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A Name and a Blessing

We blessed Avery on January 2 in the same blessing dress I was blessed in. Brian gave her such a beautiful blessing. We were so glad that all the men in the family could be there to stand in the circle. Avery did great during the blessing too. I am told she just stared at Brian the whole time!

And these cute handmade booties that Brian's mom gave us, made by a girl in their ward

The proud parents:
Thank you to everyone who could make it to Avery's special day!


  1. holy cow she's grown! She looks so alert and beautiful in those pictures! How special that she was blessed in your dress too! Super cute!

  2. LOVE the total blue steel look in the first pic! :) So stinkin' cute!

  3. She is a doll! I love the pouty lips on the first picture.
