Well, we have successfully survived two weeks of parenthood. Sometimes I feel like I'm just keeping my head above water between feeding her, changing her diaper, and getting her to sleep. And then there are the times I just sit and marvel at how perfectly beautiful she is. A tiny miracle in my arms. I learn a little more about love every day. Unconditional love- the kind that doesn't change even when she poops all over me in her nighttime feeding/changing and then pees all over her clothes so I have to change them too! Isn't parenthood great?
The second night that Avery was home from the hospital we had to put her in the bili bed. Her bilirubin levels had gone up a few points from where they were in the hospital and to be safe they wanted to have her on the bed as much as possible. So besides feeding her, burping her, and changing her diaper, she was in the bed. She made this sad experience a lot easier by sleeping the whole time and by looking so cute in her protective eye wear!

A week ago we took Avery to get some photos taken of her and we are so happy with how the shoot went. She slept for two hours of a photographer positioning her body and only peed on Brian once. :) We don't have the pictures back yet, but we do have a family photo that she shot for us.

{I shot this one from my phone}
So far Avery has been a pretty good sleeper. In the first two weeks she slept for 6-7 hours straight at night and after one feeding would sleep for another 3-4. In the last couple of days she has been a little more alert at night, but she's still an angel.
Avery at 2 weeks:
8 lbs 2 oz (43 percentile)
21 inches long (75 percentile)
Head is 13.75 inches around (23 percentile)

We love this little wiggler so much and already can't imagine life without her in our family.