Okay, we've gone far too long without updates! Things around here are pretty crazy with wedding plans. From engagement photos to finals topped with innertube waterpolo, we're just trying to keep our heads above water and something that obviously got pushed off the radar was the blog.
Most recent updates include that Brian has a new job- working for Leadership Excellence. He's not convinced that this is anything more that a job for now, but is enjoying the sales experience he is getting and would love to tell anyone more about it (more than I know, that is...).
Brian is living in the apartment that will we 'ours' in just two weeks. TWO WEEKS!!! Can you believe it? I am so excited to finally be Brian's wife and to start forever together. We have a candy chain and have been counting down since about 100... let's just say it was far too long of a chain to begin with and that we almost ate it all so that our wedding would come sooner (figure that out)! Just 13 pieces of candy left and a lot of excitement for the next two weeks to be done (finals and all)!
Our recent activity on a quite competitive BYU intramural innertube waterpolo team proved to be one of the funnest things we've ever done. We both played defense and Tara was on our offense. We had an awesome team comprised of some stellar people from our team last year and really did awesome. We were ranked as #4 in the top division (of three divisions) and beat the highest ranked team and then lost twice to knock us out of the tounament. We were disappointed but proud of our final ranking as third overall in BYU. Don't be alarmed, innertube waterpolo is acutally a very competitive sport (YES, I said SPORT) and if any of you have watched a game of ours, you would soon fall in love with it as well.
Anyway, we'll have more posts to come and keep you all updated on our wedding and the countdown!
loved the update! less than 2 week :)